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Full Mouth Recons­truction

Dental x-ray of a full mouthFull mouth reconstruction is undertaken by medical teams in order to replace all of your teeth, including both the upper and lower rows. This may need to occur for several reasons, such as extreme decay, injury, erosion, and joint and muscle pain. Some of these causes may also require ongoing treatment even after reconstruction. For example, erosion can be caused by overnight tooth grinding (bruxism), so a night guard would be necessary. We have numerous treatment plans and perform full mouth reconstruction at Precision Dental Specialties.

Treatment of Dental Conditions

Before we can begin reconstructing your oral structure, we need to treat any disease or injury present. For gum disease, this involves scaling and root planing to remove any bacteria and get the teeth to reattach to the gums. Injuries would require dental extraction or repairing the teeth and gums. In addition, you would likely receive antibiotics and pain medication throughout the treatment process. We may also need to provide tissue regeneration or grafting to provide a good base for future restorative procedures.

Teeth and Gums

Most obviously, your teeth will need to be reconstructed as part of this procedure. Our oral surgeon will need to perform an evaluation of your teeth through a visual check and dental x-rays. They will use this information to determine the best restorative option for your teeth, such as crowns, bridges, inlays, or onlays. Each of these is made by our lab with a dental impression that we get of your teeth. This way, the restoration is fully customized to your mouth.

In some cases, we can use implants in the bone and gum to provide support for false teeth. In other cases, these tissues are not strong enough to support implants. So, your restoration may involve false gums as well, such as in the case of dentures. Teeth are generally made of porcelain or ceramic, but they can also be made of other materials as well. Gums are usually made of plastic.

Joints and Muscles

It is very likely that your jaw would have shifted due to these underlying issues. Due to this, your full mouth reconstruction would also need to involve treatment to set your jaw. In more extreme cases, this may involve surgery to set the jaw or remove excess tissue. This can also be used to clean out the joint and treat inflammation.

However, invasive surgery is not always necessary. In fact, it is possible for us to reset your jaw and teeth alignment using nightguards, retainers, braces, aligners, and other types of oral appliances.

Timeline and Recovery

Due to this being such a customized treatment plan, the timeline for treatment can differ for everyone. It may take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. You may be able to have multiple procedures at once, but you may also need to heal in between procedures.

More invasive procedures involve local and general anesthetic, which wear off in a few hours. Surgical incisions could take several days or even weeks to heal. When you have your procedure, we will provide you with a customized recovery plan and detailed instructions. Call Precision Dental Specialties at 435-522-5629 to ask about full mouth reconstruction.
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Precision Dental Specialties, 754 S Main St, Suite 5, St. George, UT 84770 ^ 435-522-5629 ^ ^ 10/22/2024 ^ Related Terms: oral surgeon St. George UT ^